Connecticut Fly Fisherman’s Association Monthly Meeting – November 12, 2015


The Best of Patagonia, Argentina and Chile

By: Rob Nicholas, Fly Fishing Guide and Travel Consultant


Thursday, November 12, 2015, Time: 7:00 p.m

                                                                  Free and Open to the Public

Free Refreshments


Place: Veterans Memorial Clubhouse, 100 Sunset Ridge, East Hartford, CT

Rob Nicholas, well known local guide on the Housatonic River and expert on fly fishing in Patagonia, will be the featured speaker at our Thursday, November 12, 2015 CFFA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., to be held at the Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse, 100 Sunset Ridge, East Hartford.

Some of us remember the first truly American fishing show with Curt Gowdy, American Sportsman, which debuted on ABC in 1964 with a competition in Argentina between Gowdy and two Argentinian Fisherman for Trophy Trout in Patagonia.  We could only dream about the opportunity to catch five pound and up lunkers.  Moving forward  to 2015,  Rob Nicholas has become the go to guy on the ins and outs of fishing in the wilds of Patagonia.  Rob runs a booking agency totally dedicated to fly fishing in Patagonia, “Angling in the Andes”. Be ready for a great road trip with pictures, stories and advice on fishing the nether reaches of the Andes for Trophy Trout.