Our May membership meeting is going to be combined with the following event. There will not be a Wednesday night meeting.
Connecticut Fly Fisherman’s Association - Tribute to Gary Lafontaine.
Saturday May 13, 2022 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Salmon River, Gulf Road, Picnic Area
Join us for the 3rd Annual Tribute to Gary Lafontaine
This event is in honor of Connecticut's most famous fly tier, past CFFA member, Gary Lafontaine. Born in 1945, Gary started fly fishing at age 8, and published his first article at age 15. Winner of the Arnold Gingrich Memorial Award for Lifetime Writing Achievement, he published several books, with his “Caddisflies”, gaining national atten- tion. As a dedicated member of CFFA he inspired many members to try innovative approaches to tying and fishing for Trout and other species. In1996, he was awarded Angler of the Year by Fly Rod and Reel Magazine. Gary left this world at the age of 56 due to Lou Gehrig’s Disease. We celebrate his legacy.
Schedule for Day
9:00am Fly Tying - This is an informal gathering of fly tyers. Everyone is responsible for their own table and materi- als. Fly tiers are welcome to bring a chair, folding table, vice and materials to tie flies. The theme of the day is Caddis patterns but any and all flies can be tied.
11:00am Tribute to Gary Lafontaine – Come and share a few words of your memories of Gary and his influence on fly fishing.
Fishing and conversation available all day. Bring your own food and beverages (no alcohol allowed in state parks). Grills are available. All trash must be taken home.
Participants responsible for their own food and beverages.
***If raining we will not tie flies, but will still gather and fish. Contact: Rick Liegl
Our meeting on April 17th will be our annual Fly Tiers Roundtable. Come join us for a night of camaraderie and conversation as we join some of the best tiers in the area as they demonstrate there skills. Learn a new technique and a pattern or two.
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